© joão leal

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  1. "Hiroshi's" - montage of the 4 images.

    "Hiroshi's" - montage of the 4 images.





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      "Hiroshi's" - montage of the 4 images.

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    Referential Repèrages

    Referential Repèrages are references to some of the artists that helped shape my artistic identity, hence my research project. The films have no discernible narrative. The only anchor that gives the viewers the possibility to construct one, is the subtitle, the element that establishes the connection to the referred artist.

    These films have a direct link to my working process during the past years. They intend to ironically accentuate the chasm between the master (well-known and established artist) and the pupil (the one who is still trying to find his way, having to look for references to anchor his work). In this repèrages (or location scouting in English) I put myself in the place of a provocative pupil looking for alternative places, approaches or points of view to the artworks made by some masters, artists that in some way influenced the pupil’s work.

    There is a parallel between the humorous approach of this series and, for example Bas Jan Ader’s reference to Piet Mondrian in works like On The Road to a New Neo-Plasticism, Westkapelle, Holland and Broken Fall (geometric), both from 1971.

    Each film and photograph refers to different artists, as can be seen in the captions of the images (Matthew Barney, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Andreas Gursky and Marina Abramovic).

    Barney's #1 - Video 1920x1080 (full HD) with stereo sound, 2'12'' (full version)

    Barney's #2 - Video 1920x1080 (full HD) with stereo sound, 2'02'' (full version)

    Barney's #3 - Video 1920x1080 (full HD) with stereo sound, 2'03'' (full version)

    Ader's - Video 1920x1080 (full HD) with stereo sound, 1'32'' (full version)