"Resisting Narrative / Resistir à Narrativa" está neste momento patente na Casa-Museu Abel Salazar.
“Resisting Narrative / Resistir à Narrativa” é o culminar de uma investigação “practice based” desen- volvida no European Centre for Photographic Research da University of South Wales. O trabalho foi supervisionado pelo Prof.Dr. Mark Durden com o apoio da Prof. Dra. Doutora Helen Sear (numa primeira fase) e da Prof. Lisa Barnard (na fase final).
Nesta exposição materializa-se o principal objetivo da investigação do autor: desenvolvimento de um corpo de trabalho que potencie uma reflexão sobre a importância da narrativa pessoal de um “artista” e a forma como ela ajuda a contextualizar a sua prática e processos de trabalho. O conjunto de obras pretende também estabelecer relações entre a “prática artística”, idealmente avessa a regulações e propensa à “não-narrativa”, e o processo de investigação académica, altamente regulado e com uma construção similar ao de uma bem estruturada narrativa tradicional. Com esta seleção de trabalhos (vídeo, fotografia e instalação), pretende-se provocar uma colisão entre o processo de trabalho do autor num contexto de criação artística e o que acontece no enquadramento de uma investigação académica . Com esta colisão serão enaltecidas algumas similaridades entre os dois processos (”Walls”, “Chasms”), a forma como se relacionam com a artist persona do autor (”Experience of Place”, “Quixote”, “Where Am I”), as dificuldades sentidas ao longo do processo de trabalho juntamente com os seus problemas e “erros” (“Chasms”, “Walls”, “Way To”, “Coming & Going”). Ao mesmo tempo questiona-se ironicamente algumas das condições sine qua non da investigação: a importância da imersão num “ambiente de investigação” (”Coming & Going”, “I’m Not There” e “Where Am I”), a ordem que determina a necessidade de, a montante da prática artística, elaborar um abrangente e aprofundado estado da arte ou um conjunto claro de objetivos e questões (”Way To”, “Referential Repèrages”).
"Resisting Narrative / Resistir à Narrativa" ficará patente ao público até 7 de janeiro de 2017.
"Resisting Narrative / Resistir à Narrativa" is currently on at the Casa-Museu Abel Salazar.
“Resisting Narrative / Resistir à Narrativa” is the culmination of a prctice based research developed at the European Centre for Photographic Research of the University of South Wales. The work had Professor Mark Durden as director of studies and Professors Helen Sear (in the initial stage) and Lisa Barnard (in the final stage) as supervisors. The exhibition “Resisting Narrative” is the materialization of the main goal of my research: developing a body of work that would allow a reflection upon the importance of one’s own personal narrative and the way it helps contextualize an artist’s practice and work processes. This work aims at defining the way the artist sees “art practice”, traditionally averse to “regulations” and very prone to “non-narrative”, in a highly regulated “research environment”, one that is constructed as a well-structured, traditional narrative. Through the different series of artwork (video, photography and installation), I intended to set up a clash between my working process as an artist and the process of PhD research itself. With this collision I’ll highlight some similarities between the two processes (”Walls”, “Chasms”), how they connect and relate to the artist persona (”Experience of Place”, “Quixote”, “Where Am I”), the difficulties I’ve been through during the course of the work, along with the problems and mistakes (“Chasms”, “Walls”, “Way To”, “Coming & Going”). At the same time, I try to ironically question some “sine qua non conditions” to researching: the importance of the researcher’s immersion within a “research environment” (”Coming & Going”, “I’m Not There” e “Where Am I”), the order that determines the need for a comprehensive “state of the art” or a clear set of goals and research questions prior to the development of one’s own artwork (”Way To”, “Referential Repèrages”).
"Resisting Narrative / Resistir à Narrativa" will be on unti the 7th of January of 2017.
inpossível, com n... || entrar na possibilidade
in.possible, with a "n" || entering the possibility
in.possível || in.possible
Estou grato por fazer parte da Mostra Internacional de Trabalhos Académicos "in.possível", a decorrer no Arquipélago Centro de Artes Contemporâneas, entre 11 de Agosto e 19 de Dezembro de 2016, com os filmes "Experience of Place", "Chasms" e a série de quatro filmes "Referential Repèrages".
I'm glad to be a part of "in.possível", an international presentation of academic work, at the Arquipélago Contemporary Art Centre, between the 11th of August and 19th of December 2016, with the films "Experience of Place", "Chasms" and the four film series "Referential Repèrages".
Poster for the exhibition "Picture This", where these films were presented.
Poster for the exhibition "Picture This", where these films were presented.
Quatro filmes de série “Referential Repèrages”, desenvolvida no decorrer do meu projeto de investigação, serão apresentados na exposição “Picture This“, inserida na conferência anual da Canadian Sociological Association (CSA). A exposição estará patente entre os dias 30 de maio e 03 de junho de 2016, na Little Gallery, no departamento de arte da University of Calgary, no Canadá. Obrigado por selecionarem o meu trabalho.
Four films from the “Referential Repèrages” series, a part of my research project, will be presented at the exhibition “Picture This“, one of the events of the Annual Canadian Sociological Association (CSA) Conference. The exhibition will be on between the 30th of May and the 3rd of June, 2016, in the Little Gallery, at the Art Department of the University of Calgary, in Canada. Thank you for selecting my work.
“Referential Repèrages” are references to some of the artists that helped shape my artistic identity, hence my research project. The films have no discernible narrative. The only “anchor” that gives the viewers the possibility to construct one, is the subtitle, the element that establishes the connection to the referred artist.
These films have a direct link to my work process during the past years. They intend to ironically accentuate the chasm between the “master” (well known and established artist) and the “pupil” (the one who is still trying to find his way, having to look for references to anchor his work). In this repèrages (or location scouting’s in english) I put myself in the place of a “provocative pupil” looking for alternative places, approaches or points of view to the artworks made by some “masters”, artists that in some way influenced the “pupil’s” work.
Barney's #1 - 2'12'' || Barney's #2 - 2'08'' || Barney's #3 - 2'02'' || Ader's - 1'32''
Vídeo 1920x1080 (full HD) with stereo sound -